Friday, November 10, 2006

Burn a US Flag Today!

Thank a Veteran tomorrow or this weekend for training, sacrificing, fighting and even dying to give you that right should you choose to!

What is Veteran's day? Ever really think about what it means or is it just another day off? And since it falls on Saturday this year - many people/students even get Friday the 10th off. What happened to our national sense of pride and unity when it comes to this day? How many people simply have a BBQ, go to a parade and simply just have another selfish day?

Do you know that the origins of "Veteran's Day" go back to WWI, it was called Armistice Day back then in rememberance of the day (November 11, 1918) that the Germans signed the "Armistice", calling a cease fire and a final end to the hostilities of WWI.

Nearly the entire WORLD celebrated the peace that day.

One year later in 1919, President Wilson issued his Armistice Day proclomation, and closing his speech:

"To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nation."

In 1927 that Congress moved to make the day an annual observance, but it wasn't until 1938 that a bill was passed to make it officially "Armistice Day". For YEARS, during this official holiday at 11am - all traffic would stop in most towns, a 21 gun canon salute would be followed by Taps and tears would flow!

After WWII, we had many NEW veterans of a new war that were not associated with "Armistice Day". In 1953 a great little town called Emporia Kansas held the very first "Veteran's Day" observance on "Armistice Day" act of congress the next year in 1954 the entire nation celebrated "Veteran's Day".

In October of 1954, President Eisenhower called on all citizens to observe the day by remembering the sacrifices of all those who fought so gallantly, and through rededication to the task of promoting an enduring peace. The President referred to the change of name to Veterans' Day in honor of the servicemen of all America's wars.

Who will you thank this weekend? How will YOU remember the courage, bravery and dedication of those that gave you this FREE country and the right to burn a US flag if you're so inclined?

1 comment:

StageWest said...

Nice post and Nice blog Keith!

I'll get you added to my blogger roll.

Keep up the good work!
