Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Awesome story...

A friend of mine, Steve Johnson from Colorado Springs shared this story with me last night. It is powerful and wonderful how God answers prayers. I shared this story with the family last night at dinner, my voice cracked and the tears flowed...

Here's the story straight from Steve:

I went on a marathon trip to Ohio to pick up a camper and then on to Michigan to spend some time with my daughter and her new husband. He is in the Coast Guard, and there was a Coast Guard festival in Grand Haven. On the way to Ohio, I spent most of the time driving through Kansas praying. I REALLY felt the leading of the Lord to keep praying, and so I did. One of the things I was praying about was the fact that my daughter (and her new husband) are not saved, and that they would be drawn to the Lord and someone would explain the gospel to her. I have discussed this matter with her in the past, and it seems that dad is not making much headway in the salvation department. I know that salvation is of the Lord, but it seems that my daughter did not want to hear it from me.

Anyway, while in Grand Haven, a woman pulled up next to us and parked her car. It had a mural of Jesus reaching down to save someone from drowning. I asked her about it and she said that she wanted to tell everyone about the Lord and this was a way to do it. I asked her how she shares the gospel, and she said that she did NOT KNOW HOW! She really believed that God wanted her to get this mural done and put it on her car, and her and her husband drive it around and give out tracts. WOW.

So I told her that I was a street preacher and evangelist. That me and my wife and many others in go out and share the gospel with the lost in Colorado Springs and all over the state. That we share the gospel easily, biblically and effectively...the way Jesus did. She was so excited! She was in tears about doing that, and wanted to know all about it! This woman wanted me to explain what we did, so I gave her the entire gospel. I looked over at my daughter and she was hanging on every word. Again, WOW. God is good, isn't He.

Anyway, while we were driving back to the campsite, my daughter dug out a CD that she wanted me to hear. She played a country song named, BELIEVE. I am not a country music guy, so it was the first time I heard it and it was great. Better yet, my daughter loved it and wanted me to listen to it. I do believe that many seeds were planted that day, and God is drawing her to Himself. Many prayers were answered, and please pray that the seeds planted will be watered by a faithful seed sower and that God will make them grow.

God bless
Steve Johnson

So...there's this "random" lady in Michigan that obeys God telling her to get her car painted with a mural, and to buy a bunch of tracts and to share the Gospel using her car - even though she doesn't know how she's going to put it into words to share it. Is that obedience and boldness in the face of fear or what?

Then God brings Steve along to share all the training resources for how to share the Gospel, to encourage her...and oh, by the way, Steve's unsaved daughter gets to see prayer answered before her eyes - AND she gets to hear her FATHER go through the Gospel message again.

On the way home last night I picked up a young man hitchhiking as I headed up the on ramp to I-25. I had a book in the back seat...and he noticed "The Stranger on the Way to Emmaus" sitting there as he put his bedroll and backpack on the seat.

We headed on down the highway...

I was looking for a way to work the Gospel into the conversation when he asked about the book in the back seat! He grew up in a "very strict Christian home", but he walked away in rebellion for a few years. Then he met a Christian girl in California - and he said that the Holy Spirit really laid into him. His name is Wade and it turns out...he is on fire. He has taken literally Jesus' words to "put down your nets and follow me". He is hitchhiking his way to New Orleans to serve in an outreach ministry reaching to lost people, demolishing and rebuilding their homes in the wake of Katrina. Yeah...believe it or not, there are STILL people down there without homes!

He was kinda quiet, and soaked up everything I shared with him about one to one witnessing. Luckily I had a Cahill CD in the car (the "Awake" message)...not a book though (darn), dropped him off as I turned off I-25 to head to Penrose. I told him to "Take it to ALL THE WORLD young man!" He beamed at me shaking my hand and said "Yes, I certainly will!"

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