Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Do you like dogs?

Muslims don't...they see dogs as ceremonially unclean.

What's the big deal? I'll wager that within 5 years we'll be having the same kind of public backlash in this country as has happened in Scotland over a puppy dog shown in a Police Advertisement.

Muslims outraged at police advert featuring cute puppy sitting in policeman's hat...

Prepare yourself...because it will happen here and much sooner than you can imagine.

How will the public in general, the media, police and the government react when you try to go out in public to share the Great News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Will you still DO it? Scary to think about. This blog entry even has me thinking..."someone can google 'Muslim' and find this article...and backtrack and find me, find my family..."

I already have five dogs on the ranch...maybe I should start raising pigs and let them run free on the property...[just brainstorming here]...

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