Thursday, October 11, 2007

Humbled...follow up.

Follow up on Humbled.

Last Friday (the 5th), I showed up to Pikes Peak Academy to pick up my wife.

M and R were outside waiting for their rides home.

I said..."Hey guys, let's roll!"

"Really? Right now?"

They were so excited, it was a BLAST. We putted around the parking lot with them taking turns at trying the 5 speed. M was first and didn't even stall it on his first try. I was so proud of these two guys and they knew it. They were BEAMING.

Here are some pics of the PPA Driving Academy Session #1

Dany and "M"

"M" saddling up

Who's the man?


R on the left, yours truly in the middle and M on the right
PPA Driving School Session #1 complete!

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