Tuesday, July 01, 2008

"Evangelism" in the local paper

Laughable and heavy with disdain for "Christianity"...

Evangelism may be losing its sway in the Colorado Springs Gazette

Who is this author? I'm calling the paper to see if I can buy him lunch, I'd love to have a loving conversation with him. It is just vividly apparent that the author doesn't have a clue what it means for us to be a "follower of Christ" and not to be a "religious christian hypocrite". As is the case with so many in the media and the culture...they've never heard the true Gospel from the mouth of a caring, concerned, passionate believer that's not pitching a political agenda or trying to entice someone to "go to church".

He doesn't even use the word "evangelism" properly...this really intrigues me.

"Historically, that's nothing new. Since the 1800s, evangelism as a political force has gone through peaks and valleys."

What did he just say? Evangelism is a political force?

And the article is fraught with near hysterical statements.

"The religious right staked its credibility on the Bush administration, which has proven to be morally bankrupt," Balmer said. "And now the movement is collapsing under its own weight."

"Two of the movement's most important figures, D. James Kennedy and Jerry Falwell, are dead."

Kennedy or Falwell? Our most important, singularly most important, only important "figure" is very much alive and well Praise God!

Any of you "religious right" evangelism political force people (har har)...if you have the time read the article, comment on-line and pray that God opens a door to conversation with the author.

I noticed there are 33 pages of comments...sadly its mostly mud slinging between non-believers and so-called "christians". Way to represent there folks.

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